
How Much Porn Is Enough?

The reach and effects of pornography in the world today has more damaging consequences in the lives of people and the society at large than all cancers and (Sexually Transmitted Deceases)  STD’s combined. The level of porn consumption is mind boggling. According to the Daily Mail, ” Around 30 % of all internet traffic is pornography, and the biggest porn sites gets billions of page views and about 350 million unique visits per month, a study found. The Extreme Tech websites, said the only other websites that surpass this figures in size are Google and Face book.” This is a sleeping time bomb that may soon wipe out all civilizations as we know it. How can this much porn be consumed and what is driving this unquenchable desire?

I was listening to a famous pastor in the Washington DC area on the radio recently and here is what he had to say, “30 % of regular church members are also regular porn consumers.” This, literally blew my mind up! The world is on fire and there are not enough fire trucks to put out the flames. The desire for sex is through the roof and people are hungry and desperate to get sexual satisfaction any way possible and at any cost. This is a bigger societal problem than all other social issues combined. An untold numbers of lives are being ruined for good. So, what is driving this uncontrollable and unstoppable desire for sex? And that is the million dollar question!

Sexual desire and drive is implanted in the human DNA but this drive can be used  for its intended purpose or it can be self destructive and porn happens to be one of those self destructive by-products of sex. This drive needs to be tamed to prevent more lives from self-destruction. Getting sexual arousal through porn is not the way to go. Tame your sex drive and desires and save you and those who love you. This stuff is getting way out of control. How much porn is enough? Wake up America! Let’s destroy porn or else porn will destroy us! What do you think?

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