
Marriage & Love

Marriage and love are almost often used interchangeably but is that really the case? The assumption is almost universally made that these words are pairs but is it a fair assumption? The assumption is also made that, if you marry someone, that means you love them, really? If this was the case then so many marriages would not be in so much turmoil. People get married for all kinds reasons and love is the least on the list. Won’t you agree with me that if genuine love was at the foundation of any marriage, then the divorce rate would be probably cut by about 90 percent?  

Here are some reasons why most couples tie the knot:

Financial Security  I use the term “financial security,” as a broad term that may include any material possessions or anything of tangible value. Hope this may not take you by surprise, as this is a leading reason why a lot of people get married. So let’s say that you are attracted to someone solely based on “financial security,” and, let’s say, you are about three years into your marriage and then it suddenly dawn on you that you are not so secure, then that may be the beginning of the end as you realize that you were building your marriage on shaky and unstable foundation. You may fake it for a while, deceiving your partner in letting them believe that you love them and the marriage was based on love. I will be very surprised if such a marriage last more than a few fears.  

Companionship  This is also a  leading reason why people get married. Hope that it may not surprise you that millions of people around the world would get married, simply for companionship. Love is the least on their minds but they are looking for some human being to fill a hole in their heart. That is truly mission impossible! That too is an impossible task. Companionship is certainly one of the purposes for marriage but cannot be the sole reason to get married. If you are alone and have feelings of loneliness then remember that another human being will not fix that. No human is able to fix the void in your heart.

When genuine love is at the foundation of any marriage then the divorce rate is significantly cut. Love is kind, patient, not selfish, puts your partner’s needs and interest ahead of yours, is not puffed up, gentle, seeks the good of your spouse. If love is at the foundation of a marriage, then there is compatibility and lasting peace and happiness. This kind of love only comes from God to a transformed heart.  Enjoy a marriage with love as its foundation. Love to hear your feedback and comments.

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